91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯'s Salmestone Primary Academy children join Margate beach clean
Thirty Year 6 pupils from Salmestone Primary School joined forces with Rise Up, Clean Up for a litter pick on Margate beach in September. The event was part of the annual Great British Beach Clean.
After cleaning up, the children attended a workshop where they were able to make keyrings from the pieces of plastuc they collected.
Year 6 teacher Mr Good led the trip. He said:
“The children had a brilliant time and were so engaged the whole morning; they learned a lot about reycling and were amazed to discover that some plastic bottles can take up to 1000 years to decompose. The children went home determined to make sure that their rubbish ends up in a bin."
Headteacher Thomas Platten added:
“It is our aim to engage all our children in their learning, developing a love of learning and of their local natural environment.