Outstanding OFSTED letter for 91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯'s Horizon Primary Academy
91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯'s Horizon Primary Academy, Swanley achieved an incredible outcome to their recent ungraded inspection. The letter from OFSTED stated that the evidence gathered suggests that the school might have been graded outstanding if it had been a graded inspection.
Led by headteacher, David Moss - an experienced leader who has managed this exciting journey for the school, OFSTED thought much of the key practice was exemplary. During feedback, the HMI stated that what the school does for disadvantaged pupils is truly exceptional and that the children remember and can articulate about their learning is jaw-dropping!
Through the report, the inspector said:
'Pupils achieve exceptionally well. The school is highly ambitious for all pupils.'
'Pupil thrive due to excellent relationships and a shared commitment by staff to ensure that all lessons have a strong impact on pupils' learning.'
''Disadvantaged pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are very well prepared for their next stage of education.'
'The school's approach to promoting pupils' good attendance is exemplary.'
'Pupils love the responsibilities they have.'
'The school places reading at the heart of the curriculum.'
'The school develops pupils' talents and interests in an exemplary way.'
'The school is led and managed courageously and through a shared commitment to excellence.'
One parent commented:
'Horizon invests so much energy into teaching our children, I could not ask for more.'
Congratulations to the staff and pupils at Horizon Primary Academy for this well deserved result.